Web Development, Strategy, & Digital Marketing

Fitness Studio

Fit911 Fitness Studio in San Juan Puerto Rico

WordPress Website and Theme Development 


Fit911 brings a different concept of fitness training; you will see results in little time. They focus on the needs of each person to reach the right results.

Limonade redesigned and created a functional website tied to their business strategies. The site also includes a blog capturing the before and after stories of those who have changed their lives. Our primary challenge was helping visitors understand the concept of a Fitness Studio vs a regular gym.


We serve our clients and partners and focus on their needs and priorities. Although projects are different, the main reason you would hire us would be to improve results and add value to your company. See how we added value and infrastructure to Fit 911 Studio.

Fit911 Fitness Studio in San Juan Puerto Rico
Fit911 Blog
fit911 screenshot 3
fit911 screenshot 4
Fit911 Studio Website

Business Benefits


Qualified Customers

Increase in

Online Awareness



Word of
