Farmacia San Rafael specializes in carrying and delivering a variety of specialized pharmaceuticals on the island. In some cases, it is one of only five pharmacies in Puerto Rico who have certain pharmaceuticals available.

More patients needed to find these highly specialized medications. Our client needed a website built to convey this message.

Some of the objectives were:

Having an updated public list of medications, customers could look through a list.

Get your medication in 48 hours.

Spreading the word on the 48-hour guarantee - Farmacia San Rafael will find any pharmaceutical you need and have it available within 48 hours of the request if it is not in their vast inventory already.

Getting more people to Order Refills Online - By creating tutorial clients can get a better understanding of how they can set up their smartphone to order refills online.

Helping People Find the Physical Location - San Rafael's staff is inclined towards customer service and they spend a good amount of time giving directions on the phone on how to find their physical location, in Santurce, Puerto Rico. By adding the directions to the website, people can easily find their way to the pharmacy while San Rafael's staff is working to get their medications ready.

Farmacia San Rafael map Page

Improve workflow tools - We set up workflows for our client where emails go to the corresponding department depending on their request. This makes it easier for management to focus on critical business tasks while the distribution of requests are automated.

We also made sure we created images that were illustrated for the pharmacy and photography taken of their employees and areas. If you browse through the website, you will see the faces of the staff that will greet you when you arrive at the brick and mortar location.

Main Website of Farmacia San Rafael